Sunday, November 22, 2020

I'm a Thankful Writer!

Tiffie, my terrier

It's a tradition for many of us to reflect on what we're thankful for during this time of year. Sometimes we're thankful for the objects we have, especially when so many others have lost theirs due to disasters. I saw a news article this week about people finding objects in the ashes of their homes destroyed by this year's wildfires. Those items--pottery, tools, etc.--now have a special meaning to these folks. Seeing them makes me grateful for the objects I have, although they are just objects. Those can be replaced.

What cannot be replaced is more precious to me. That's my family. Throughout the years, we've argued; we've cried together; we've hugged one another. Most of all we love and miss one another. I'm so very thankful for my family. With my youngest son's marriage this past summer, my family has expanded. I'm absolutely thankful for that.

My pets are little lives I'm thankful for. I have two cats and a small terrier. I had a third cat who crossed the rainbow bridge last December. Each one has their own distinct personality and style. They keep life full of joy and more love. Sometimes they keep me on my toes!

I'm grateful for my job. I hate that Covid 19 is the reason the position exists but I love that I'm part of something important for my community. Those testers I support are incredible people. They've been out there in 100 degree weather, in the rain and winds testing for Covid. They've faced rude and stressed people and brought smiles to the faces of children. They have big hearts and a deep dedication to their fellow humans. I'm thankful people like them exist.

As a writer, I'm thankful for my two books released this year. It's been a long time since I've had a novel published and it feels good. Death Masks: Author's New Updated Edition is my first ever audio book. That's been a thrilling learning experience. Fighting for Home in audio is waiting for final approval by ACX. Hopefully it'll be live by Christmas. That would be a great Christmas gift to myself!

I know this year's been rough on so many people. If it has for you, I hope there are small things which brought you peace or love from time to time. Know that the future holds larger things in store. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm thankful for you too!

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